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생활 영어 대화 - Mobile phone

by 앵그리선반장 2020. 3. 20.


Bad signal

AA : Hello.. Hello? Is that Tad speaking?

BB : Yes. Can you hear clearly?

AA : No. What's wrong with your phone?

BB : I can't receive the signal as usual.

AA : Then I'll hang up and text you later.

BB : Ok.


Connection failure

AA : Where have you been today?

BB : Why do you ask me this question?

AA : I called you several times but couldn't reach you.

BB : Really? I went to a village with several friends.

AA : Village?

BB : Yes, It's a small mountain village. My cellphone couldn't receive signal here.

AA : Next time when you go there, you'd better tell me before you leave; otherwise, I'll worry about you.

BB : Ok, no problem.


Telephone Failure

AA : Repair Service. How may I help you?

BB : My phone has got lots of static.

AA : How old is your phone?

BB : About 5 years old.

AA : The wiring in your phone might have gotten rusty. Could you bring your phone into our office? We'll clean it for you.

BB : Sure. Where is your office?

AA : We are located at 132 West Street.

BB : When are you available?

AA : From 9 o'clock am to 5 o'clock pm

BB : All right. I'll bring it in this afternoon.

AA : No problem. See you this afternoon.

BB : 



AA : Ask somebody to call back

BB : Hello. Can I speak to Mr. Smith?

AA : I'm sorry, he's in conference at the moment. may I ask who is calling?

BB : Telly Jackson.

AA : Could I take a message?

BB : Please have him call me back as soon as possible. My number is 1245565.

AA : All right.
