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Learn English/What is the difference?

Either vs Too

by 앵그리선반장 2020. 5. 17.

What is the difference between "either" and "too"?

"either" 와 "too" 는 무슨 차이가 있나요?

The differences between “either” and “too” are that “either” is used in negative sentences, and “too” is used in positive or affirmative sentences.

"either"는 부정적인 문장에서 사용되고, "too" 는 긍정 또는 긍정적 문장에서 사용 됩니다.

We can explain this simple difference with the help of a lot of examples.
Too- Used in positive statements


He can play the piano and the violin too.

He cannot play the drums and the bongo either.


